Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up: 12:00 moving through the following: 10 goblet squats- :03 descend, :01 pause at bottom and drive up 5 arm chair swings on rig or practice hollow/arch swings for the kip 5 muscle cleans 5 push press barbell: start empty and work to a light load

Mini-wod warm up 2 sets of: DB push press x 8 reps DB front squat x 8 reps DB Romanian deadlift x 8 reps DB bent over rows x 8 reps DB elevated push ups x 8 reps Rest 1:00

WOD: For Time 50 Power cleans 95/65 50 Thai squats L+R=2 50 Front squats 95/65 50 DUs x 3 singles 50 S2OH 95/65