Tangletown CrossFit

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05.24.18 Double Under skills

Warm Up 3 Sets: 8 Alternating Tall Kneeling KB Press (4/arm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRlV-jp6-7U&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=Revival+Strength&utm_campaign=5cf3da5582-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_08&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8dbc823d2f-5cf3da5582-71890815&mc_cid=5cf3da5582&mc_eid=c612bae79b

- immediately into -

8 Tall Kneeling KB Push Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REooQkH6fzI&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=Revival+Strength&utm_campaign=5cf3da5582-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_08&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8dbc823d2f-5cf3da5582-71890815&mc_cid=5cf3da5582&mc_eid=c612bae79b - rest 30sec -

6 reps each side - Pallof Press

Skill:  Double unders Key points when learning double unders

  1. feet stay together
  2. stay relaxed, spin the rope with the wrists
  3. shoulder blades back
  4. find a focal point
  5. mid-line stability
  6. stay on the toes- find your balance position and be able to spring back up like a pogo stick

To work on hand- jump coordination do the Penguin Drill:  no rope, just do tap the thighs with hands and jump in rhythm for double unders- 2 taps per jump.

To work on rope control- try single unders and vary speed.  Try this with eyes closed.

To work on rhythm- try counting the cadence out loud.  Do 10 single unders and then a quick 1-2 pause for a double under.

Barbell Warm Up

A1. Clean Complex 2 Clean High Pull (pull bar to nipples) 2 Slow Pull Power Clean (4sec pull to knees) 2 Power Clean rest 60sec x 4

A2. Power Jerk 4,4,4,4 (Touch and go reps at shoulder); pause 2 seconds overhead for each rep; rest 90sec

WOD 10-8-6-4-2  Clean & Jerk  135/95   95/65 50 DUs after each round of C&J- instead of singles, perform 10 attempts

Time Cap 10:00