Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
3 rounds https://www.instagram.com/p/B27sr34HVmj/

10 mountain climbers- slowly moving foot to hand
10 each side plank pike toe touches
10 Russian baby makers

Mobility: ankles

dynamic ankle series x 15 of each for 3 sets
A. bent knee hops
B. straight leg pop skips
C. small skater hops
D. horizontal supported hops against a wall


Skill: tempo front squats
2 tempo front squats (42x1) + 4 front squats- no tempo
Every 2:00 for 12:00 at 65-75% front squat 1 RM

10:00 AMRAP
strict pull ups or banded pull ups
alternating pistols

keep adding reps until time expires
pistol substitutions:
*heel drop off plates
*toe tuck behind ankle
*elevated heel or added weight in front
*pistol from the side of a box

Here is video of some: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxC92wWlDXa/

Extra Mobility to continue on from our monthly challenge- 10 minutes each day will make a difference!
pigeon pose 1:00 each side
single leg forward fold 2:00 each side
thread the needle 1:00 each side
happy baby pose 2:00