Tangletown CrossFit

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HOT START -Warm up

4 rounds -

warm up / increase pace per round:

15/12 Cal Bike or  20/15 cals row

10 Alt Cossack Squats/leg

10 empty barbell snatches

15 Anchored Feet Sit Ups


prone PVC lift offs https://youtu.be/AFWK8sln0k4

open book stretch x 4/side

Cuban Press x 10

Glute Focus
3 rounds
10 wide stance banded hip thrusts
10 medium stance banded hip thrusts
10 narrow stance banded hip thrusts
10 frog thrusts


"Coming to Town"
3 rounds

9 ring rows

7 lateral hops over barbell
5 thrusters
rest 3:00
repeat 3 rounds

At home version

"Coming To Town"
3 rounds

10 alternating DB squat cleans

5 push press left side
10 alternating DB snatch -5/side
5 push press right side
10 alternating devil's press- 5/side
rest 3:00
repeat 3 rounds