Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
2 sets
10 PVC pass through + RDL
10 PVC Cuban press
10 PVC Jefferson curls
5 inchworms + push up
5 yoga push ups
5 deep squat walk out to push up

Table top pose x 30 seconds
Child's pose with lat stretch x 30 seconds/side- reaching arms to the diagonal
Twisted cross x 30 seconds/side

"Black Lung"

AMRAP 16:00
8 burpees
6 DB hang power cleans 40/30 30/20 or some version of this depending on what we have
4 v-ups
2 devil's lungster 40/30 30/20

**devil's lungster - devil's press + lunge right + lunge left + thruster

Cool Down
Child's pose 1:00
Saddle pose 1:00
Pigeon pose 1:00 each side