Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up

3 rounds
40 jumping jacks
25 feet quadruped crawl forward
25 feet quadruped crawl backward
30 second reverse plank bridge (table top)
5 scap push ups


retest Test 6-muscle endurance

5min AMRAP
Turkish get ups- alternating arms every 2 reps 35/26
rest 60 seconds
4min AMRAP
quadruped crawl for distance or handstand walk for distance ( 25 feet= 1 rep)
rest 60 seconds
3min AMRAP
v-ups or tuck ups
rest 60 seconds
2min AMRAP
beast to alternating leg through
rest 60 seconds
1min AMRAP hand release push ups

Cool down
30 seconds thread the needle each side
30 seconds mixed grip passive hang on rig each side- (switch your grip)
1:00 child's pose