Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
2 rounds
10 PVC pass thru + good morning
10 PVC platter squats
5/side tall plank knee to elbow
4 deep squat progressions

90/90 hip switches x 5 touches each side
seated leg swings x 5 each side
deep squat internal knee rotations x 5 each side
cat/camels x 10 reps

Glute Focus- mini bands
banded glute bridges x 15
banded clam shells at the top of a bridge x 15
banded cha cha x 7 each side
banded air squats x 10- slow to fast

front squats 3 x 3 reps @78%
back squats 4 x3 reps @73%

For Time
25 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
20 feet handstand walk or 24 handstand marches
15 thrusters
5 clusters
5 strict HSPU or 5 strict pull ups

Cool Down
1:00 butterfly stretch
30 seconds each side couch stretch
1:00 child's pose