Tangletown CrossFit

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09.03.2022 Partner WOD

Warm Up
2 sets
lateral banded walks x 10 each side
monster walks x 10 each direction
30 seconds calf eccentrics each side

2 sets
banded lat pull downs x 20 reps
DB high pulls x 8 each side
jumping in place x 20 seconds

wall slides x 30 seconds
banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
perfect stretch x 4 each side

"Goldy the Gopher"
Team of 2
Every 12:00 for 36:00
200m suitcase carry- each person has one DB/KB
then 2 rounds
50 alternating DB snatches 50/35 35/20
40 TTB or hanging knee raises
100 DUs or 200 singles