Tangletown CrossFit

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Rope Climb Skills
Rope Climb skills
1.  foot position- you can practice this while sitting on a box
2.  jumping to the rope- jump and grab with straight arms, hang tall and then knee raise.  Have a subtle lean back coming from pushing straight arms down.  Scoop the feet in towards the butt.
3.  rope on the pull up bar- practice getting your feet on the rope and taking that first pull
Primer to squats
1. Cossacks x 30 seconds
2. 90/90 hip switches x 30 seconds
3. Frog rocks x 30 seconds
4. Deep squat weight transfer x 30 seconds  -sit in your squat and move over the foot/ankle, shifting body weight
for time
front squats 115/85  95/65  75/55
 rope climbs
400m run after each round