Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up:500m row or bike 100 Jump Rope 50' Bear Walk 50' Inchworm 50' Crab Walk

Mobility: Kettle bell ankle pulses x 10 each side Wrist pulses x 10 reps Banded lat stretch x :45 each side Prone PVC pass throughs x 10 reps

Primer: 1 set empty bar, 1 set with weight 3 x mid-hang clean jump 3x mid-hang clean pull 3x tall muscle clean 3x tall clean WOD: Big Clean Complex One set is 12 reps Try not to drop the bar. If you have to drop, do it after the overhead. Increase load

6 sets of the following complex: High hang squat clean + hang squat clean + squat clean + push press High hang squat clean + hang squat clean + squat clean + push jerk High hang squat clean + hang squat clean + squat clean + split jerkimg_3562