Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up:Diane Fu partner hurdles with PVC pipe- step over, then over with other leg, go under and through to a lunge with a stretch. x 4 reps each side Junkyard dogs with a partner- one person sits on the ground with legs and arms extended. Partner jumps over the arm, over the legs, and over the other arm. Then turn around and go back. x 3 reps each side

Two sets of: T-Spine Pulse on Bench x 10 pulses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCOQHYZC7TI& Psoas Pulse x 8-10 pulses per side with laying on a lacrosse ball Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps Skill: hang squat clean + push press 65% 3 + 1 70% 3 + 1 75% 3 +1 80% 3 + 1 85% (3 + 1) x 2 3= hang squat clean 1= push press determine % by max push press

WOD: 3 RFT 30 cal row 200m farmer carry 32/24kg KB each hand