
Warm Up:2 sets of: 1:00 jump rope 10 x reverse lunges with single arm KB hold in front rack :30 jumping jacks + :30 mtn. climbers 10 x seated DB strict press then... 15 Glute Bridges 20 Banded Pull-Aparts Horizontal 25 Banded Push Downs- light band tied to rig. Use both hands on band and pull down. Keep elbows tight to body. Use lats and triceps on the pull down. 20 Banded Pull-Aparts Overhead 15 Glute Bridges

Skill: Handstands (10:00) complete one round of the following: A. 3/4 handstand freestanding kick ups x 20 reps B. wall facing handstand thigh taps x 20 reps C. 3 tries of freestanding handstand hold for max seconds

Skill: Back squats (18:00) Every 2:00 6 reps @60% 4 reps @65% 2 reps @70% 6 reps @65% 4 reps @70% 2 reps @75% 6 reps @70% 4 reps @75% 2 reps @80%

Odd-object practice 4 x 100m sandbag bear hug carry - AHAP




06.10.17 Hold On Loosely