
Warm Up:2:00 row or bike 10x samson stretch 8 x spiderman stretch 15 x banded air squats 10x each side banded clam shells

Clean warm up: 5 reps of each with empty barbell 3 reps each with light weight

Clean grip RDL Clean pull below the knee Muscle clean Front squat Push press Tall clean Hang power clean Clean below the knee Skill: clean complex (18:00) Clean pull + power clean + front squat + push jerk Every 2:00 for 6:00 50-55% x 3 reps each Every 2:00 for 6:00 60-65% x 2 reps each Every 2:00 for 6:00 70-75% x 1 rep each

WOD: For Time 30 DB snatches 50/35 55 Double unders or x 2 singles 20 DB snatches 55 DUs 10 DB snatches 55 DUs * snatches need to be alternating with DB hitting the ground on every rep



