10.17.16- Outside One Last Time?

IMG_0735 IMG_0741 Warm Up: Row 400m 100 single jumps wrist stretches inchworm + push up x 6 reps strict pull ups or scap pull ups x 5 reps arm circles x 10 swings hip swings both forward and lateral x 10 each side each direction

Skill: Handstand wall thigh taps x 16 reps

scale to wall walks with a hold

Skill: Push Press 3 reps @55% 2 reps @65% 2 reps @70% 1 rep @75% 1 rep @80@

WOD: Outside One Last Time? 14:00 AMRAP pull sled by rope 50m with 90 or 135# added to sled tire flip + jump in and out x 5 reps farmer carry 100m 72/53 KB each hand ball slam 30/20 x 15 reps


10-18-16 Benchmark Day!


10.15.16 Buddy Burn