
Squat warm up
2 sets
10 x each side banded monster walks
10 x each side standing banded hip abduction https://youtu.be/8pu435ybC5k
10 x banded tempo squats with a 3 second at halfway and at the bottom of the squat


20 x jump goblet squats with kettlebell (Goblet squat stance, start with kettlebell on floor. You will NEVER jump while you’re holding the kettlebell. Stand up with kettlebell, set it down at the bottom of your goblet squat, let it go and JUMP out of the bottom of the squat. Land right back into the bottom of the squat, grab the kettlebell to stand up with again immediately.)

30 sec or longer wall sit (Hold it longer than you want to. You don’t have to shake, but you do have to go longer than you’ll want to!)

Back squats
tempo- 5 second descend
3 x 3 reps @ 65%
3 x 2 reps @ 67%
if past squats have been too easy, add 2-3% going forward

WOD part one
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 devils press AHAP
min 2- 5 strict pull ups

Rest 1:00

WOD part two
"On Repeat"
6:00 AMRAP
10 hang power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
30 DUs or 60 SUs



