
Warm Up
2 rounds
▪️100 feet Single Arm Overhead DB Carry- keep elbows locked out and lats and scaps pulled down

▪️100 feet Cross Walk- keep these light with lats and scaps pulled down and elbows straight

▪️15 reps Banded Lat Pull Downs with 10 sec squeeze on last rep- aim for full range of motion reps with all focus on using the lats to pull the PVC to your hips. Keep shoulders pressed down and arms straight.

▪️15 reps Bent Over Flyes- keep these light enough to keep shoulders pressed down for the entire set

▪️10 reps/side Bird Dogs- focus on hitting a hollow position when extending the arms and legs (posterior pelvic tilt) and keep core braced. I like to hold the last rep for 10 sec and squeeze the hollow position as hard as I can

6 sets of the complex below- start at 50% push press and build load with good form
2 reps push press + 1 rep split jerk

"King of the Castle"

AMRAP 12:00
Continue To Add 5 Reps Of Each Movement

KB Swings
KB Goblet Squats

*Fifty Feet KB Overhead Carry Following Each Round
**Overhead KB Carry Does Not Count For Reps

Kettlebell Recommendations
Advanced 53/35
Intermediate 35/26
Scaled 26/18
Scoring: Reps

Core Finisher https://www.instagram.com/p/CKm-rMVsnx9/
Use two KBs lighter in weight
2-3 rounds
10 dual KB Turkish sit ups
20 seconds dual KB hollow flutter kicks
10 dual KB candlestick lift & lower



