Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm up
3 sets
100 single unders or 50 DUs
5 barbell RDLs @ 3030
5 single arm Cuban press/arm- slow with 2.5 or 5# plate
5 burpee high jump

Strength- body composition
3 sets
A1. segmented snatch grip deadlift- 3 pauses: 3131; 6-8 reps
A2. barbell Z press: 3021; 8-10 reps
3 sets
B1. split stance dumbbell Romanian deadlift: 3110; 6-8/leg
B2. seated alternating dumbbell Arnold press: 2111; 8-10/arm

Overhead movement prep 5:00
1. arm circle (double arm shoulder CARs) x 4 reps
2. banded stretch on rig x 2:00
3. prone single arm reach in shrugged position and then set position and then lift and hold for 5 seconds x 5/side
4. retest the arm circles x 4 reps

"Nick Urankar"
Empty bar or PVC
for time
hang power snatch