
Warm up
2 sets

1:00 cardio
single arm KB OH carry x 100 feet each side
10 Cossack squats
10 KB halos
10 toes to KB- with the KB on the floor, lie down with arms and legs extended, hang on to the KB. Raise your toes to the KB and back to the floor.

Bullet proof shoulders
2 rounds
A. 20 seconds active hang on the pull up bar
B. 20 seconds ring pulses- start in a ring support hold and let your rings move out just slightly and then squeeze them back into your legs. Move out and back, keeping your body tight. Scale by just holding a lock out on the rings for 20 seconds.
C. 8 reps single arm down dog per side- https://youtu.be/qvckO71lF90 You can keep your hand planted on top of a 45# plate

2-3 sets
A. landmine snatch high pull x 10/side https://youtu.be/GSU6pLp1zQc
B. landmine rotational clean and press x 10/side https://youtu.be/z1xow-7R4GA
C. landmine single leg RDL x 5/side- heavy

"Who's That Lady?"
For Time
15/12 cals row
15, 12, 9, 6, 3
pull ups
push ups
sit ups
air squats




03.26.2022 Partner WOD