workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Maximum Cleaning Power

Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes

20/16 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Maximum Rep Power Clean and Jerk

Score is total clean and jerk reps from all 3 rounds

Barbell Recommendations
Advanced 155/105
Intermediate 135/95
Fitness 95/65

No rest between rounds
1:1 Single Under:Double Under

A.  4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 70-75%

B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @78-82%

Maximum Cleaning Power

Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes

20/16 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Maximum Rep Power Clean and Jerk

Score is total clean and jerk reps from all 3 rounds

Barbell Recommendations
Advanced 155/105
Intermediate 135/95
Fitness 95/65

No rest between rounds
1:1 Single Under:Double Under

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


A.  4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 65-70%

B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @72-78%
C. 5 sets of
clean + jerk @82%+
build load while maintaining form

Tempo front squats
5 sets of 5 reps @ 60% with tempo 2211
A.  4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 65-70%

B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @72-78%
C. 5 sets of
clean + jerk @82%+
build load while maintaining form
Finisher- 3 sets, you pick load

A. KB halo + Cossack x 8 on right and 8 and left
B. KB swing to a goblet hold, then curtsy lunge x 8 each side

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Jump Train"
1 round:
800m run
80 DUs
21 hang power cleans 115/75
2 rounds:
400m run
15 hang power cleans 115/75
3 rounds:
200m run
20 DUs
9 hang power cleans 115/75

Warm Up
400m run
10 empty bar thrusters
10 each side dead bugs

300m run- go around to the right of the garage door
50 single unders
10 2- legged pistols keep knees and feet together as you squat

200m run
20 banded glute bridges

Clean warm up with empty barbell
- Burgener Warm up

1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat

Primer: 3-position power cleans
5 sets of 1+1+1
mid-thigh, knee, shin

"Jump Train"
1 round:
800m run
80 DUs
21 hang power cleans 115/75
2 rounds:
400m run
15 hang power cleans 115/75
3 rounds:
200m run
20 DUs
9 hang power cleans 115/75

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Tight Rope"

5:00 AMRAP

2-4-6-8-10-12...adding 2 reps per round
alternating DB thrusters or barbell thrusters 95/65 75/55
*30 DUs between each set - or singles, or thai squats, or skaters

Rest 2:00

low push up hold in seconds

Warm Up
3 Sets
15 Banded Hip Thrust + 20sec Isometric Hold at Top -
8-10 KB Loaded Jefferson Curl Light -
30sec High Knees

A. 3 position cleans
high hang + hang + ground
B. segmented clean deadlifts
from the ground, pause at the knee, then mid thigh, then stand. Take 3 seconds to descend

"Tight Rope"

5:00 AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10-12...adding 2 reps per round
alternating DB thrusters or barbell thrusters 95/65 75/55
*30 DUs between each set - or singles, or thai squats, or skaters

Rest 2:00

low push up hold in seconds

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