workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Jack Daniels"
With 2:30 on the clock for 4 sets
20/15 assault bike or 18/13 echo bike cals
50 feet farmer carry walking lunges
max reps dual DB devil's press  
Rest 90 seconds
Weights  50/35  35/20

Super Set x 3 rounds
A.  landmine RDLs x 10/side
B. Cossack squats x 6-8/side *option to add load
C. banded pull aparts x 30 reps

"Jack Daniels"
With 2:30 on the clock for 4 sets
20/15 assault bike or 18/13 echo bike cals
50 feet farmer carry walking lunges
max reps dual DB devil's press  
Rest 90 seconds
Weights  50/35  35/20

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

02.18.2022 Member of the Month WOD

Member of the Month- Carrie Sartin
"Cardio abs by Carrie"
25:00 AMRAP with a partner
divide up reps, one work/one rest

Row x 30 cals
Sit ups x 40 reps
Single unders x 60 reps
Knee raises or TTB x 20 reps
Bike x 20 cals

Every 5:00 starting at 0:00, both partners need to hold a 45 second plank and then rest 15 seconds

Warm Up

200m row, bike or ski
3 x DB complex

200m row, bike or ski
10/side DB/KB cross chop

200m row, bike or ski
3x DB complex

**DB complex= Ren. Row (left + right) + DB Burpee DL + Hammer Curl - with the hammer curl make sure the elbow stays stable and the back doesn't move. Hold the DB like a hammer (upright).

IYTs prone x 10 each letter with a 3 second squeeze at the top
perfect stretch walk x 5 each side

3 sets
A. rear foot elevated split squats x 8/side @21X1
B. high box jump, step down x 8 reps 30/24"
C. Cossack squats x 4/side @30X1

Member of the Month- Carrie Sartin
"Cardio abs by Carrie"
25:00 AMRAP with a partner
divide up reps, one work/one rest

Row x 30 cals
Sit ups x 40 reps
Single unders x 60 reps
Knee raises or TTB x 20 reps
Bike x 20 cals

Every 5:00 starting at 0:00, both partners need to hold a 45 second plank and then rest 15 seconds

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"For Quality"
4 rounds
20 KB swings 53/35
30 abmat sit ups
10 each side Cossack squats

Warm up
2 sets

10/7 cals of your choice
30 second deep squat hold
50 feet each side waiter carry
15 banded face pulls
15 pronated grip band pull aparts
5-10 barbell or bodyweight Kang squats

Hip Thrusts
3 x 6 reps @95% your DL max
between sets
DB death march x 20 steps- moderate weight 35/20

"For Quality"
4 rounds
20 KB swings 53/35
30 abmat sit ups
10 each side Cossack squats

Post WOD- body maintenance
2-3 sets
10 each side DB external rotations- light load
20 banded pull aparts
20 banded bicep curls
20 banded tricep extensions

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"One round away"
20 sandbag squats
2 rope climbs or 4 strict pull ups
100m sandbag run

Warm Up
2 Sets
5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Bottom Up KB Press/arm
20sec Side Plank/ side
30sec Dead Bug- move legs out and back slowly

Primer: hip flow

Banded good mornings with squats. Do 5 reps good mornings + 5 reps squats for 3 sets

10 reps Kang squats -no barbell

3 sets
T-bar row x 3.4.5 reps- unload the weight as you move up in reps
body rows x 15 seconds max reps- on racked barbell, inverted rows
Cossack squats x 8 each side @31X1

"One round away"
20 sandbag squats
2 rope climbs or 4 strict pull ups
100m sandbag run

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