workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Strictly Clean"
For Time
1000m row
5 rounds
3 strict handstand push ups or 15 feet handstand walk
3 hang squat cleans @ 75%
1000m row

Warm Up
2 sets
Landmine strict press right side x 14
Landmine snatch high pull right side x 12
banded tricep push downs x 15
handstand hold 30 seconds- on the wall or a box
Landmine strict press left side x 14
Landmine snatch high pull left side x 12
banded tricep push downs x 15
handstand hold 30 seconds

A. 2 sets
100 feet single arm OH carry each side
6 Cossacks each side

B. 2 sets
50 feet single arm suitcase carry each side- heavy
6 DB step ups each side - heavier than the last time you completed these

"Strictly Clean"
For Time
1000m row
5 rounds
3 strict handstand push ups or 15 feet handstand walk
3 hang squat cleans @ 75%
1000m row

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