workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Lucky 7"
7:00 AMRAP
7 thrusters 95/65 75/55
7 TTB or hanging knee raises
7 box jump overs 24/20"

Warm Up
3 sets
10 each side DB high pulls
10 each side DB strict press
10 reverse lunges
10 scap pull ups
20 seconds handstand hold

3 sets
A. single arm DB push press x 8/side @3X11
B. single arm DB high pulls x 10/side- no tempo

3 sets
C. strict pull ups x 5-8 reps
D. DB chainsaw row x 10/side @3X11

find your max deadlift

"Lucky 7"
7:00 AMRAP
7 thrusters 95/65 75/55
7 TTB or hanging knee raises
7 box jump overs 24/20"

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD  (19:00)
Tabata intervals :20 on/ :10 off for 8 sets each exercise
Take a 1:00 break between exercises
battle ropes
slam balls
push ups
bike cals

Warm Up
60 seconds row or bike
30 seconds reach thrus
30 seconds plank hold
60 seconds row or bike
30 seconds banded good mornings
30 seconds squat rocks

then One set of
Single arm KB clean + single arm KB push press x 30 seconds each side

Mobility: for the front rack
quadruped thoracic rotations x 10/side
box stretch x 5 deep breaths
ankle stretch in a deep lunge x 30 seconds/side
deep squat rotations x 8/side

Skill: front squat- eccentric focus  (15:00)
6 sets of 2 reps @ 65% tempo 60X1
*during rest time complete a super set from below

(do one super set between rounds only 3 times, not for 6 rounds)

Super Set- build load

3 total sets completed

DB high pull x 8/side

DB dual seated strict press x 10 reps

WOD  (19:00)
Tabata intervals :20 on/ :10 off for 8 sets each exercise
Take a 1:00 break between exercises
battle ropes
slam balls
push ups
bike cals

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