workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"The Filly"
not timed- go for quality
1-2-3-4 Turkish get ups each side 50/35
2-4-6-8 single arm devil's press each side  50/35
4-6-8-10 KB or DB deadlifts- dual
6-8-10-12  V-ups

Wendler week 2 cycle 2
Back Squats
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%

Super Set x 3 rounds
A.  landmine RDLs x 8/side
B. Cossack squats x 6-8/side *option to add load
C. banded pull aparts x 30 reps

"The Filly"
not timed- go for quality
1-2-3-4 Turkish get ups each side 50/35
2-4-6-8 single arm devil's press each side  50/35
4-6-8-10 KB or DB deadlifts- dual
6-8-10-12  V-ups

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"KB Chipper"
For Time
Run 200m
50m KB farmer carry 53/35
20 dual KB deadlifts 53/35
50m KB farmer carry
Run 200m
40m KB farmer carry
15 dual KB deadlifts
40m KB farmer carry
Run 200m
30m KB farmer carry
10 dual KB deadlifts
30m farmer carry

Warm Up
2:00 Cardio
3 sets of:
10 x push up T
10 x PVC pass thrus
30 sec. 2 arm KB hold OH- light weight
4 lengths of the gym farmer carry- moderate weight

3 sets
A. split stance DB Romanian Deadlift @30X0 x 8-10/leg
B. bird dog rows x 8 per arm

3 sets

C. DB front rack reverse lunges @20X0 x 8-10/leg
D. Bench plank DB row @20X0 x 8 per arm

"KB Chipper"
For Time
Run 200m
50m KB farmer carry 53/35
20 dual KB deadlifts 53/35
50m KB farmer carry
Run 200m
40m KB farmer carry
15 dual KB deadlifts
40m KB farmer carry
Run 200m
30m KB farmer carry
10 dual KB deadlifts
30m farmer carry

Post WOD
Core + Arms
3 sets of 6-8 reps each

1. Tall kneeling zottman curls
2. Rower pike ups
3. Standing Hammer curl to press

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"The Beaster"
optional buy in 1000m row
100 lunges- alternating
90 air squats
80 box jumps or step ups
70 sit ups
60 KB swings
50 KB deadlifts
40 push ups
30 burpees
20 Russian twist each side
10 get ups- candlestick roll out

Warm Up
3 sets
5 single arm suitcase DB deadlifts R
5 single arm KB cleans R
5 single are KB push press R
30 seconds single arm KB OH carry R
repeat all for left side

"The Beaster"
optional buy in 1000m row
100 lunges- alternating
90 air squats
80 box jumps or step ups
70 sit ups
60 KB swings
50 KB deadlifts
40 push ups
30 burpees
20 Russian twist each side
10 get ups- candlestick roll out

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

02.28.2020 Partner WOD

with a partner
50-40-30-20-10 cals row
partner A. rows for calories
partner B. completes rounds of the AMRAP
switch whenever


7 push ups

10 pull ups
17 air squats

Warm Up
2 rounds

10 cals row or bike
5 banded pass throughs at the bottom of the squat
20 banded pull aparts
2 rounds
5 ring rows
10 slow to fast air squats
20 second plank hold


single leg balance x 15 seconds each side
single leg hip flexor kicks x 8 each side
couch stretch x 30 seconds each side
25 feet perfect stretch walk

20 goblet squats
20 front rack walking lunges
10/side KB deadlifts- single arm

Rest 1:00 and repeat
*choose a KB weight where you can maintain unbroken sets of each exercise

with a partner
50-40-30-20-10 cals row
partner A. rows for calories
partner B. completes rounds of the AMRAP
switch whenever


7 push ups

10 pull ups
17 air squats

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


For Time
Sled push 100m (pylon and back) heavy-ish weight but no more then 2 spots 
20 alt. pistols
sled push 100m
25 pull ups or seated pull ups from a racked bar
sled push 100m
30 KB deadlifts 53/35 each hand
sled push 100m
35 ring rows or 10 bar muscle ups

Warm Up
300m row, bike or run
3 rounds of:
TGU x 1 pre side
Single arm OHS with KB x 3 reps

Pec Stretch
1. against the wall: do 5 reps
2. on a bench: lay on a bench with a PVC and pull your arms overhead. Hold this overhead position for 10-30 seconds before coming back to the start position. Do 5 reps.

3. prone floor angels: do 5 reps

glute activation: 

10 reps of each 
1️⃣Normal width bridges 
2️⃣Feet wide bridges 
3️⃣Feet narrow bridges (🐸 pumps) 
4️⃣Seated clamshells 
5️⃣Supine clamshells 
6️⃣Seated abduction 
2 sets of:
1.  Bar or ring pull up negatives x 5 reps

2.  Inverted rows x 8 reps

For Time
Sled push 100m (pylon and back) heavy-ish weight but no more then 2 spots 
20 alt. pistols
sled push 100m
25 pull ups or seated pull ups from a racked bar
sled push 100m
30 KB deadlifts 53/35 each hand
sled push 100m
35 ring rows or 10 bar muscle ups

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Group warm up WOD: Partners 30:00 AMRAP 800m Run- done together 100 KB Deadlifts KB farmer carry to pylon and back- each partner 100 KB front racked walking lunges 100 KB swings *divide reps with one working, one resting unless noted

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