workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Double Down"
For Time
25 DB push press 50/35 35/20
75 DUs or 150 single unders
10 DB hang power cleans
75 DUs or 150 single unders
25 DB deadlifts
75 DUs or 150 single unders
10 DB hang power cleans
75 DUs or 150 single unders
25 DB push press
*use two dumbbells*

Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds
5 each side perfect stretch
10 Kang squats
10 banded PVC RDLs on rig- take an orange band, thread the PVC through and tie the other end to the rig. Perform PVC RDLs with the band providing tension to the movement so you need to use your lats.

Bullet proof shoulders
4 rounds
banded Z-press x 8 reps
max reps inverted rows- racked barbell on rig- perform a row to the chest (like a ring row)

15 reps @ 50%
10 reps @ 60%
8 reps @ 65%
6 reps @ 70%
6 reps @ 70%

"Double Down"
For Time
25 DB push press 50/35 35/20
75 DUs or 150 single unders
10 DB hang power cleans
75 DUs or 150 single unders
25 DB deadlifts
75 DUs or 150 single unders
10 DB hang power cleans
75 DUs or 150 single unders
25 DB push press
*use two dumbbells*

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