workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Moving on Up"
DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
burpees over the dumbbell

alternating DB snatches 50/35 35/20
wall balls 20/14

bar muscle ups or strict pull ups
HSPU or boxed piked hspu

Warm Up
2 sets
20 supermans
20 each side banded lateral steps
15 air squats
15 prone shoulder Y's
10 barbell hang muscle cleans 45/35
10 barbell strict press

wall slides x 15
prayer stretch x 30 seconds
deep squat plate hold x 30 seconds
thoracic rotations x 5 each side

A. muscle clean + push press
4 sets- lighter loads for good form

B. power clean + hang power clean + push jerk
warm up 2 sets 55%, 60%
work: 4 sets 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%

"Moving on Up"
DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
burpees over the dumbbell

alternating DB snatches 50/35 35/20
wall balls 20/14

bar muscle ups or strict pull ups
HSPU or boxed piked hspu

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

02.03.2020 And Monthly Challenges

For time
DB snatch   50/35   35/20
burpees over DB

cap 10:00

goal is under 9:00

Warm Up
2 rounds

400m row or bike
20 reps each side single leg squat off a plate(or 2 plates)
*this is going to be our progression for pistols for the Monthly Challenge
10 barbell good mornings
10 behind the neck presses


prayer stretch on foam roller x 5 deep breaths
open book stretch x 5 each side  (video explains both foam roller stretches)
10 each side deadbugs
10 no arm front squats- use a PVC or an empty barbell- slow to fast tempo

Clean warm up with empty barbell
- Burgener Warm up
round one with empty bar
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat


power clean + split jerk
sets 1-3 @ 65-70%
sets 4-5 @ 70-75%

3 sets of floating halting clean deadlifts- pick an option below
3-5 reps @ 75-95%

option 1- floating halting clean deadlift on riser
option 2- floating halting clean deadlift from the ground
points to consider if deadlifting from a riser (a plate on the floor)

normal starting position- just more bend in the hips and the knees push with legs through the whole foot keep back angle approximately the same shoulder joint directly above the bar until the knees, then shoulder joint in front of bar as you move towards the hip
Pause at the hip (for 2-3 seconds )for both options- key points
bar near hip slight knee bend shins vertical shoulders front of bar whole foot pressure trunk tight
Reverse  motion to bottom and hold with plates just off the floor.  Momentarily hold here for the floating position before beginning the next rep

For time
DB snatch   50/35   35/20
burpees over DB

cap 10:00

goal is under 9:00

February Monthly Challenge
day 3- pistol 3 reps each side.  Be sure to alternate sides
OR touch down squats

Other challenges this month

100 calories on the assault bike

Thoracic Mobility
prayer stretch on the floor - this looks exactly like the child's pose.  I want you to keep your hands together while doing this stretch.  Hold for 5 deep breaths

prayer stretch on the foam roller- same stretch with your arms extended on the roller with thumbs pointing up.  Hold for 5 deep breaths

open book stretch- this will work on rotational capability.  lay on your side with top leg over the foam roller.  Hands extended out together.  Open the top arm and hold for 10 seconds.

box stretch with PVC- this one we have done numerous times at the gym.  Focus on elbows close, hands in a V position.  Tuck the butt so you don't go into the lower back

.deep squat progressions- at the bottom of your squat, hands on your feet, rotate open to the left, then to the right, then both arms extend overhead

.Lumber spine stability- with a light band on the rig at hip height, face away from the rig.  Get into a small squat, brace your core and maintain that braced back while you raise one arm out about chest height.  The band provides some resistance.  If you start to over extend in the lower back, you are losing the bracing and moving the arm too high.

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