workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Sweet Like Candy to My Soul"

For Time
6 Bar muscle ups or 10 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
24 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
75 feet handstand walk or 45 shoulder taps from a box or plank position
24 alternating DB snatch
6 bar muscle ups or 10 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups

Warm Up:
2:00 cardio choice
2 sets

yoga push ups x 5  
PVC Cuban presses x 10 
half kneeling single arm KB strict press x 6/side
KB goblet squats with a 3 second pause at the bottom x 10

and then …

one set
Bird Dogs x 10 reps
Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls x 10 reps
Reach Thrus x 5 reps

Rotator Cuff using the yellow mini-bands
1. ISO hold 10 seconds x 3
2. presses
3. external rotation
4. pulsing
5. external rotation overhead

Skill: handstands - practice good stacked position up right

4:00 EMOM
1 wall walk + 10 second plank hold

3:00 EMOM

wall facing handstand march x 10 reps each side

HS walk drills: 
1. kick to handstand on wall with hands turned out x 10 reps 
2. Back-to-Wall donkey kicks x 10 reps 
3. Handstand walk parallel to wall x 4 feet in each direction

"Sweet Like Candy to My Soul"
For Time
6 Bar muscle ups or 10 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
24 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
75 feet handstand walk or 45 shoulder taps from a box or plank position
24 alternating DB snatch
6 bar muscle ups or 10 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"No Excuses"
5 rounds for time
7 clean & jerk 135/95 95/65 75/55
25 DUs or 50 singles

Warm Up
6 Minutes for quality
Single Arm Kneeling Press: x 8 each arm
Half Kneeling Halos: x 8 each position
Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift: x 8 each arm Single Arm Push Press: x 8 each arm

shoulder opener x 45 seconds

yoga push up x 5

Skill: handstands - practice good stacked position up right

4:00 EMOM
1 wall walk + 10 second plank hold

3:00 EMOM

wall facing handstand march x 10 reps each side

HS walk drills:
1. kick to handstand on wall with hands turned out x 10 reps
2. Back-to-Wall donkey kicks x 10 reps
3. Handstand walk parallel to wall x 4 feet in each direction

Barbell Warm up
3 tall cleans
3 strict presses
4 sets of 2 slow pull power cleans
keep light to feel the correct positioning

"No Excuses"
5 rounds for time
7 clean & jerk 135/95 95/65 75/55
25 DUs or 50 singles

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