workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

12.26.19 8 and 9am classes today

30 slam balls
30 abmat sit ups
30 deadlifts  185/125   135/95
30 cal row

Warm Up
2 Rounds:

2 lengths side shuffle
10/side  lateral box step ups
8/side half kneeling KB press
10 KB sumo deadlifts

banded pull throughs- face out from the rig while using the band on the rig to pull through your legs x 15 reps
KB behind the back hip hinge x 10 reps
band pull apart ( yellow mini-band) ISO hip hinge x 10 reps- video is same as above

Skill: single leg bridge on floor  3 sets of 10 each side

Gymnastics Conditioning
4 rounds (unbroken is your goal!)
0:10 hollow hold
0:10 hollow rock
10 v-ups
rest 0:30 between sets *to scale lower number to 5’s

*Point toes to fire up more muscles, including hip flexors and quads.

30 slam balls
30 abmat sit ups
30 deadlifts  185/125   135/95
30 cal row

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm Up2 Rounds: 30 Single Unders or Double-Unders 15 Calorie Bike or Row 12 Abmat Sit-Ups 9 Slow Banded Good Mornings 6 Inchworms

Mobility: Foam roll quads and hammies 2:00 Deep spiderman lunge stretch :30 each side Deep goblet squat stretch- with plate :30-:45 MIni-band around ankles- small squat- kick one leg out to the side and back x10 reps each side

Skill: back squats Warm up with 10 reps empty bar, 5 reps @50%, 3 reps @ 60% 5 reps @ 70% 3 reps @ 75% 2 reps @ 80% 1 rep @ 85% 1 rep @ 90%

WOD 4 Rounds (10:00) HSPU or HS hold x 30 seconds Wall balls x 45 seconds 20/14 Rest x 1:15

Post WOD 4:00 Tabata style :20 work :10 rest- each minute will have 2 tabata sets min 1: hollow hold min 2: superman hold min 3: hollow rocks min 4: superman rocks

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