workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"The Great Pumpkin"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
21/16 cals row
12 sandbag squats 150/100/70/50
9 kipping handstand push ups

Warm up
300m row
banded monster walks x 30 seconds each direction
banded lateral walks x 30 seconds each direction
600m row easy to increasing pace every 200m
banded squats x 30 seconds

Mobility flow
move through with a 20 second hold on each
1. straight leg forward fold to feet together squat
2. toe roll ups
3. sumo squat hold at the bottom
4. v-sit with a lean forward of the chest and arms
5. frog pose with a lift of the lower leg- alternating sides
6. half kneeling Samson stretch each side
7. half kneeling straight leg stretch and roll the ankle in all directions
8. half kneeling grab the back leg and hold or just stretch in a half kneeling position
9. internal knee rotations without a barbell on back (video)

barbell hip thrusts
3 x 15 reps @50% deadlift max
Super set
3 rounds
A. Cossack squats with weight x 6 each side
B. lateral DB step ups with weight x 6 each side

"The Great Pumpkin"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
21/16 cals row
12 sandbag squats 150/100/70/50
9 kipping handstand push ups

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


HSPU skills
10 x 1 Eccentric HSPU + 1 Kipping
scaled- boxed hspu 1 Eccentric (:04 lower) + 1 Press Up


6 Rounds, Each For Time (rest 1:1)
5 Box Pike HSPU
4 Box Pike Shoulder Taps
3 Box Pike HSPU
1 Around The World On Box

Warm Up
2 rounds
5/side kickstand pistol squats @20X0
30 second deadbugs
5/side bird dogs

1 KB suitcase deadlift
1 KB snatch from the floor
1 KB push press
complete 5 complexes on the right and then 5 complexes on the left

Primer for snatches- 3 reps of each movement
snatch grip deadlift
muscle snatch
overhead squat
snatch push press
snatch balance
hang power snatch
snatch from below the knee

strength- snatch day 3/8
A. 6 sets of 2,2,2,2,1,1 reps
hang squat snatch + below the knee squat snatch
starting at 60% and building load with good form

B. snatch grip deadlifts
6 sets of 2 @ 110%

HSPU skills
10 x 1 Eccentric HSPU + 1 Kipping
scaled- boxed hspu 1 Eccentric (:04 lower) + 1 Press Up


6 Rounds, Each For Time (rest 1:1)
5 Box Pike HSPU
4 Box Pike Shoulder Taps
3 Box Pike HSPU
1 Around The World On Box

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