workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"This is a Sprint"
500m row
30 burpees
time cap 6:00

deload- back squats
5 reps @ 40% 
5 reps @ 50%  
5 reps @ 60%
"This is a Sprint"
500m row
30 burpees
time cap 6:00
then- not for time but for quality
3 rounds
5 single are Turkish sit ups- right

1 Turkish get up- right

100' overhead carry- right

then all on the left side
build load to a heavy KB 

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


6 sets
every 2:30
250m/225m row
12 DB alternating snatches 50/35 35/20

Warm Up
3 sets
quadruped crawl 50 feet- every 10 feet stop and perform 10 alternating plank shoulder taps
15 second chin over the bar hold
10 scap pull ups
15 second bench dip stretch
10 bench dips

strength - super set A and B and then get in the sHSPU afterwards
A. Bench Press
5 x 8 reps @70%

B. Overhead KB carry- both arms up with weight
3 x 50 yds.

C. sHSPU 4-3-3-3 resting between sets to keep these unbroken
strict hspu from a box 7-7-6-5

6 sets
every 2:30
250m/225m row
12 DB alternating snatches 50/35 35/20

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


not timed- if you have time remaining
3 sets
50m overhead carry- 25 each side
12 DB pull overs- on a bench
12 dual DB upright rows
12 dual DB bicep curls
rest as needed

Warm Up
2 rounds
50 single unders
20 band pull aparts
10 single arm Cuban press each side- use your plates for mobility for this

small plates
10 reps of each in a bent over position
A. external rotate + overhead
B. thumbs up letter I
C. palms down letter I

Try this first with barefoot and then with lifting shoes
5 reps of each
snatch grip RDL
muscle snatch
power snatch above the knee
snatch press in bottom of the squat

snatch positional strength
A. 4 x 2 reps pause snatch @ 55-65%
pause for 2 sec at 1" off the floor, at the knee and then finish with a snatch pull

B. 4 x 1 rep squat snatch @70-80%

C. 4 x 3 reps snatch grip deadlift @ 90-95%

back squats
warm up
4 reps @ 60%
4 reps @ 70%
2 sets of 2 reps @ 75%

not timed- if you have time remaining
3 sets
50m overhead carry- 25 each side
12 DB pull overs- on a bench
12 dual DB upright rows
12 dual DB bicep curls
rest as needed

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