workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Tripled Up"
3 sets for Time
3 rounds
4 strict pull ups
8 push ups
12 air squats
Rest 2:00

Warm Up
3 sets
40 jumping jacks
25 feet quadruped crawl forward and backward
30 sec. reverse plank bridge
5 scap push ups

8:00 EMOM
min 1: Prone PVC lift offs x 15
min 2: hollow body rower pike ups x 10
min 3: hanging active shrugs for pull up strength x 10

min 4: banded ankle distraction x 45 seconds (one side each round)


Front squat box Squat

 21X1; 3,3,3,3 (add load with each set and finish at 90% effort)

"Tripled Up"
3 sets for Time
3 rounds
4 strict pull ups
8 push ups
12 air squats
Rest 2:00

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