workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


13:00 AMRAP
40 single DB clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
30 air squats
20 single DB walking lunges- 10 each side
10 pull ups- sub hanging knee raises

Warm Up
3 sets
12 rotating planks- from the elbows- rotate to the side plank-6 each side
12 bent over alternating DB rows- hold for 1 second at the top
12 tall plank shoulder taps- 6/side

dorsiflexion matrix x 20 reps
quadruped Y's x 5/side
Cossack lunge + overhead reach x 5/side

3 sets
A. PVC banded lat pull downs x 15 reps
B. DB death march x 10 steps/side
C. DB renegade rows x 6 - row R + push up + row left + push up

13:00 AMRAP
40 single DB clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
30 air squats
20 single DB walking lunges- 10 each side
10 pull ups- sub hanging knee raises

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Yellow Brick Road"
12:00 AMRAP
10 pull ups- sub ring rows or banded strict pull ups
10 single DB walking lunges- 5/side 50/35 35/20
10 TTB- sub hanging knee raises
10 single DB clean & jerk -5/side
Shoulder Finisher- empty barbell
30sec on
30sec off
x 3 sets of each
1️⃣ Z-Bradford Press
2️⃣ Tall Kneeling Snatch Grip Press
3️⃣ Half-Kneeling Supinated Grip Press

3 sets of slow, core movement- Alexandra Aurora LaChance (@alexlachancetraining) • Instagram photos and videos

10 Quadruped Shoulder Taps fighting hard to avoid rocking the body from side to side. Widening your foot stance and dropping your hips can help with stability here. I hold each rep for 3 counts.

▪️10-20 Wall Supported Dead Bugs focusing on pressing the palms into the wall to create tension in the lats and GLUING your entire lower back to the floor as you alternate extending the legs. The further the knee travels away from you, the harder it will be to keep the lower back pressed down, so hold yourself accountable to the appropriate range of motion as you fatigue. (You may need to bend the knees more than I do here, to keep your back pressed down).

Barbell Warm Up
3 reps of each first from the high hang then from the hang
high hang pull
high hang high pull
high hang power
high hang squat

10:00 EMOM
1 rep squat snatch
build load starting from 55-65%

"Yellow Brick Road"
12:00 AMRAP
10 pull ups- sub ring rows or banded strict pull ups
10 single DB walking lunges- 5/side 50/35 35/20
10 TTB- sub hanging knee raises
10 single DB clean & jerk -5/side

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