workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm Up: 2:00 Very light Row or Bike 2 Sets: 4 Spiderman and Reach each leg 8 Wall Squats :20s of Single-Unders

2:00 Light Row or Bike 2 Sets: 3 Inchworms 6 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches, each side :20s of Single-unders

1-2 Complexes: 3 Scap Retractions 1-3 Strict Pull-Ups


Banded Clam Shell Iso Hold x 45 seconds per side Forward Cross Crawl x 10 reps per side Banded Air Squats x 10 reps

then... Three sets of: Low Bar  Pause Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 4sec descend and a 2 second pause- empty bar then light load

Skill: Back squats

4 reps @70%

3 reps @ 75%

3 reps @ 80%

1 rep @ 85%

10 reps @ 70%


12:00 AMRAP

40 Single unders

30 DB snatches- alternate sides  50/35  35/20

20 Sit ups

10 Ring rows

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