Tangletown CrossFit

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Important Dates to Remember

September 24th K9 Max hero Dog WOD 9am

September 30th Snatch clinic 2-4pm

October 7th Clean & Jerk clinic 2-4pm

October 28th Barbells for Boobs 9-11am

Warm Up: 2:00 Foam roll thoracic and lats 15m forward and 15m backwards- The Crab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOWyyxi_yKE&feature=youtu.be 15m forward and 15m backwards- The Crab with a push up

Primer: complete 3 sets of :45 hold PVC Overhead with KB hanging then... 3 sets of: 10 band pull aparts- work on slow eccentric movement 10 scap push ups 10 dynamic push ups on box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77ebGeXQO_g&feature=youtu.be

Skill: Jerks 3 reps for each set set 1-2 @65% set 3-4 @70% set 5-6 @75% set 7-8 @80%

WOD: 6:00 AMRAP 5 HSPU- strict or RX+ sub box pike HSPU 10 Burpees