Tangletown CrossFit

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IMG_3572 Warm Up: Row for 2:00 Couch stretch 1:00 each side Run 400m

Primer: 6:00 EMOM in stations- :45 max effort/ :15 rest station one: wall ball over the front bar of the rig (you can have 5-6 people doing this at different ball weights) station two: get ups- roll up off the ground to standing station three: work on foot work for rope climbs- only going up two pulls

Skill: Cleans Every 1:30 for 3 sets Tall Cleans x 2 reps work bar weight or light weight

Every 1:30 for 3 sets Hang squat clean + squat clean @ 70%

WOD: 5:00 AMRAP 2 Deadlifts 225/155 + 2 ring dips 4 DL + 4 ring dips keep going in even reps until the 5:00 2:00 Rest 5:00 AMRAP 2 Squat Cleans 115/75 + 2 ring rows 4 Sq. cleans + 4 ring rows keep going in even reps until the 5:00