09.28.16- Benchmark Day!

IMG_4161 Warm Up: 2:00 Row 10 Single leg RDLs 10 kipping swings 1:00 Row 10 wall slides 10 Single arm DB press

Skill: pistol progressions starting from the floor with toe up in back or foot flat on back foot from a box slowly lowering to a pistol while dragging the foot on the side or back of the box hanging on to an object while doing pistols

Skill: handstand push ups Negative handstand push-ups: Kick up onto the wall and slowly lower yourself down until your head touches the ground into a tripod handstand position. Try to maintain at least a five second negative as you lower your head to the floor with complete control. If these aren’t a challenge for you, slow down your pace or add a deficit to increase the range of motion that you will have to resist. The easier these become, the deeper you can increase your deficit in that negative. It is very important that you maintain control in your negative all the way to the floor. If you are crashing down on your head at any point, you can add a mat under your head to decrease the range of the movement until you are strong enough to control it.

WOD: Benchmark Day! 'Mary' 20:00 AMRAP 5 HSPU or negatives 10 Pistols or progression 15 Pull ups or banded pull ups



