
Warm Up:Partner row 200m plate squats 15/10 # Partner row 200m single leg Romanian DL with KB Partner row 200m banded squats

Mobility: Superhero Complex: Spiderman lunge + Superman hold: generally the spiderman lunge is held for 20-30 seconds per leg, immediately followed by a superman hold for 5-10 seconds. Do this 2 times and then try it in between sets of front squats. Hip Circles x 10 rotations Hawaiian Squats x 10 reps Deep squat progression x 5 reps Ankle pulses Banded lat stretch Wrist stretches

Skill: Front Squats 5:00 EMOM 2 reps @60% 2 reps @65% 2 reps @70% 1 rep @75% 1 rep @ 80% then every 2:00 for 10:00 1 rep @85% 1 rep @85-90% 1 rep @ 90% 1 rep @90+% 1 rep @ 90+% trying for a 1 RM if feeling good! WOD: 1 K Row for Time

https://youtu.be/BpFwBA2c48c Dark Horse Rowing| Pick Drill- warm up for our rowing today



