11.27.19 No Yoga tonight or 6:30pm class.

Warm Up
200m row/bike
single arm DB press x 8 reps/side
kneeling paloff press x 10 reps/side

200m row/bike
DB box step ups x 8 reps/ side- rack a DB anyway you like
goblet squats x 10 reps- use the same DB

200m row/bike
banded face pulls x 20 reps
squat Y's with no more than 5# weights each hand

Mobility primer: https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xiHeRA-iS/

Complete 2 sets x 5 reps of each:
hip hurdles
straight arm arch planks
hollow pull backs
beat swings
between each set do 30 single jump ropes to warmup ankles.


5 sets - pick up where you left off
3:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest

5 thrusters 75/55
10 C2B pull ups
15 KB swings 53/35


11.28.19 Thanksgiving Sampler Platter

