
Warm Up https://www.instagram.com/p/ByG4ex5B1BW/

20 Forward Leg Swings per leg- do these by the wall or rig post
20 Lateral Leg Swings per leg
20 Banded Lateral Walks (20 each direction)
20 Forward/Backward Banded Walks
20 Air Squats
10 hollow/arch kip swings

and finish with …

empty barbell

30 second ankle opener
10 back squat to press from behind the head
5 muscle cleans
5 push press
5 power cleans

Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0B09c5gZ9E/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

A. external rotation 'W' with thera band x 10 reps with a 5 second hold
B. prone lateral raises with 2.5/5# plates in each hand x 10 reps- laying on a bench, moving slowly
C. half kneeling row +external rotation + press with a theraband x 10/side

Burgener Warm Up with PVC


*The warm-up you will do every day for the rest of your life*
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)- do muscle clean
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)- do tall clean with these drops
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)- tall cleans to the full depth

Skill: power cleans

10:00 EMOM
1 power clean starting at 60% and building load

16:00 EMOM

min 1- 10 x push ups
min 2- 3 x power cleans @ 80% 1RM
min 3- 40 sec wall sit
min 4- 100 feet farmer carry with a single farmer carry handle + load/side




12.08.19 Swim WOD