Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm up

Bike/row 2:00
side shuffle x 2 lengths of gym
walking lunges x 2 lengths of gym
sumo inchworms x 10 reps
squat press outs with light plate or DB x 10 reps - in the bottom of the squat press the plate straight out and back
lateral leg swings x 10 each


3 sets of this complex each side

2 DB windmills+1 DB single arm ohs + 2 DB single arm press in squat.

Primer for OHS
9:00 EMOM https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ei8g6Hesc/

min 1: 12 shoulder flexion eccentrics to open the lats up
min 2: 12 9090 Y’s to work on maintaining midline stabilization while moving the shoulders into your overhead squat grip
min 3: 6 Goblet Squat & Press to work on upper back mobility, shoulder strength, and midline control with the OHS

Skill: Overhead squats

6 sets of 3 reps starting at 60% and building

100m run
10 MB cleans 20/14
10 MB sit ups
10 MB plank pops each side

Rest 1:00

*plank ball pop starts with a tight hollow body position. Stack shoulder over wrists. Place the balls of the feet on a MB and create that hollow body position. Push through the ground with the majority of the body weight supported by shoulders. Tap feet on the side of the MB, then on top of the MB, then on the other side. Scale this movement by using a plate instead of a MB.

Mobility Challenge 9/22-9/29

1:00 each side supine twist
1:00 down dog
3:00 seated straddle
3:00 child's pose
1:00 each side dragon pose

1min= 1 rep