
Warm Up
3 Sets
Yoga Push Up x 8
Prone Snow Angels x 8
Scapular Push Ups x 8
Side Plank Rotations x 8/side
*move slow and deliberately

Handstand work on a box or a cooler

3 sets
A. inverted shoulder taps x 10 each side

B. walk out and back x 5 reps

C. leg lift x 1 rep each side + walk out to a corner and back/each corner x 3 sets
Rest as needed

"It's so short, it's almost over!"

90 seconds AMRAP
6 sets - Rest 60 seconds and pick up where you left off
2 alternating single arm devil's press
10 air squats
4 alternating single arm devil's press
15 air squats
6 alternating single arm devil's press
20 air squats

 keep adding 2 reps devil's press and 5 reps air squats

Core Finisher
Three sets of:
Hand Plank Shoulder Circles x 10 reps (clockwise)

Hand Plank Shoulder Circles x 10 reps (counterclockwise)

Hand Plank Knee-to-elbow x 15/30/45 seconds (right leg)
Hand Plank Knee-to-elbow x 15/30/45 seconds (left leg)
Reverse Snow Angle x 15/20/30 reps

Stretch Body Hold x 15/30/45 seconds


05.30.2020 Hero WOD Saturday

