
Warm Up
2 rounds
tall kneeling to sitting back on heels with goblet x 10 reps
staggered stance RDL with a pause at the bottom x 5/side
bird dogs- slowly x 5/side
glute bridges- slowly x 10
run 100m

3 sets
A. dimmels x 10-15 reps @ 35-50% conventional deadlift weight- for explosiveness!

B. seated box jumps x 6-8 reps

The Dimmel Deadlift is essentially the top 2/3 of a regular conventional deadlift with a few key differences. It’s done explosively for 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Lift the bar off the floor like a normal deadlift using a double-overhand grip.Lower it to just below your knees ( feel a stretch in the hams and glutes) Raise it again Start slower, then pick up speed with your reps

13:00 AMRAP
DB snatch right side x 10   50/35   35/20
deadlift x 8 225/155 185/125 135/95
DB snatch left side x 10
pull ups x 8 or ring rows


08.22.2020 Partner WOD

