10.16.2021 Partner WOD

Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
10 single leg RDL with light weight- 5 each side
10 half kneeling KB single arm press- 5 each side
10 stagger stance good mornings with empty barbell

Part One: shoulders and rotator cuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BtogGGPnJbN/

1. Isometric ER with yelllow mini-band x 3 sets of 10 sec hold
2. Mini-band press x 10 reps
3. Mini-band ER x 10 reps
4. Pulsing ER with OH reach x 10 reps
5. Overhead ER x 10 reps

Part Two: Low back stretches https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj8VXjtn-7d/
Do 10 reps of each stretch
1- Rock backs
2- Quadruped lifts
3- Down dog rockers
4- Dead bugs
5- Cat Camel

"Would you?"
with a partner
13:00 AMRAP
"You go, I go"
9 power snatch 95/65 75/55
8 KB goblet box step ups 53/35
7 TTB or hanging knee raises

Rest 3:00

6 rounds for time
Run 200m
10 KB swings 53/35
5 pull ups


10.17.2021 Swim WOD

