Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
3 sets
lateral banded walks x 10 each side
monster walks x 10 each direction
20 seconds banded half squat pulses

wall slides x 30 seconds
banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
perfect stretch x 4 each side

Skill work
3 sets
A. handstand push up negatives x 5 reps
B. single DB overhead walking lunges x 10 each side
C. low Cossack squats x 8 each side - add DB or KBs in the front rack as a challenge

"For the Win"
8 rounds for time
3 strict press @ 75% your 1RM
10 alternating pistols (5 each side)
100 feet suitcase carry (50 feet each side)- 70/50