Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
2 sets
Cardio 1:00- every 20 seconds build intensity
10 inchworms
10 each side single arm KB push press
10 box jump, step downs
Cardio 1:00- different from the first one

Plate squats 3 x 10 reps
3 x 10 banded psoas march

hip thrusts
3 x 8 reps @ 65% your max deadlift

12:00 AMRAP
8 x wreck bag/sandbag cleans
12 x wreck bag/sandbag squats
30 x Double unders

Post WOD- abs 2 sets
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1. 10 each side clam shell side hip thrusts
2. 10 straight leg sit ups
3. 20 single leg alternating v-ups
4. 20 heel taps
5. 20 alternating deadbugs- legs only, slowly
6. 20 tall plank cross body mountain climbers
7. 10 ab roll outs- use a scooter or the barbell