
Warm up

2 sets

single unders x 50 reps

single arm DB Overhead squat x 10/side

suitcase carry x 50'/side


Mobility: SI joint: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvxz5Xxj4Yf/ (the first few moves here) 

1. knee to chest with other leg straight out x 30 sec/side 

2. lying on floor number 4 stretch x 30 sec/side 

3. prone quad stretch x 30 sec/side 

4. multi-planar hip flexor stretch x 5 reps each angle/side 



Wobbly Legs

80 Double Unders

Run 400m

20 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 35/26 each hand

60 Double Unders

Run 300m

16 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 

40 Double Unders

Run 200m 

12 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 

20 Double Unders



POST WOD- banded upper body
50 low to high banded face pulls  https://youtu.be/wv2BGYGZ9rs
20 ring mountain climbers (10/side)  https://youtu.be/kbPOFMH-Ivk
25 banded face pulls
20 ring mountain climbers (10/side)
50 banded straight single arm lat pull downs (25/side) 



