workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD:  Filly wod
5 Sets
A1. Dumbbell Cyclist Squats x 8-10reps; 2sec lowering
rest 30sec
A2. Dual KB Rack Wall Sit; 30-40sec hold
rest 30sec
A3. Skater Squat; 6-8/leg
rest 30sec

3 sets of
yoga push ups x 8 reps
prone floor angels x 8 reps
scap push ups x 8 reps
side plank rotations x 8/side

WOD:  Filly wod
5 Sets
A1. Dumbbell Cyclist Squats x 8-10reps; 2sec lowering
rest 30sec
A2. Dual KB Rack Wall Sit; 30-40sec hold
rest 30sec
A3. Skater Squat; 6-8/leg
rest 30sec


feet handstand walk or quadruped crawl or gymnastics bear walk
10 V-ups or tuck up after each set of walks (so that's 100 v-ups)
rest as needed

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

02.20.19 Row Isabel

'Row Isabel'
9:00 Time Cap
15 cals row
15 snatch- power or squat
15 cals row
10 snatch
15 cals row
5 snatch

RX 135/85 165/105 185/120
Inter 115/75 135/85 155/105
Scaled 95/65 115/75 135/85

Warm Up

1:00 row/bike- last 10 seconds being a sprint
5 inchworms
1:00 row/bike- last 10 seconds being a sprint
5 sots press with PVC or light bar behind the neck

External rotation row and press
perform 2 sets of 5 reps each side

Skill: Quad Gains!- What you’ll find with the four moves above are various use of tempos and a lot of focus on allowing the knees to come forward.

1. Constant tension goblet squat: get into a narrow stance, allow your knees to go forward and don't lock out the knees and hips at the top. Use a slow tempo for 8-12 reps.

2. Split squat ISO hold: allow your knee to go close to or over your toes and hold at the bottom for 5 seconds. Other knee hovers. Perform 6-8 reps each side.

3. Rear foot elevated split squats: allow your knee to go close to or over your toes. Perform 8-12 reps each side.

4. Skater squats: perform a reverse lunge, but don't allow your back foot to contribute at all. Perform 6-8 reps each side. Add weight if needed.

tight shoulders mobility:
1️⃣Foam roll lats x 60 seconds per side
2️⃣Straight arm T-spine extensions x 10-12
3️⃣Deep squat on wall pullovers x 10-12 - or sitting against wall for wall slides x 8
4️⃣Landmine press to overhead glide x 10-12

Ankle mobility with a green mini-band. Perform 10 reps on each side with the band around the lowest part of your shin. Move your knee forward without letting your heel pop up and aim your knee towards your pinky toe.
Banded lat stretch x 45 seconds per side

'Row Isabel'
9:00 Time Cap
15 cals row
15 snatch- power or squat
15 cals row
10 snatch
15 cals row
5 snatch

RX 135/85 165/105 185/120
Inter 115/75 135/85 155/105
Scaled 95/65 115/75 135/85

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


4 RFT- grind through this wod with good form. Grab that sandbag and move it quickly- but it should be heavy. try for unbroken barbell movements.
10 front squats 115/75 95/65
12 sumo deadlift high pull 115/75 95/65
150 foot bear hug sandbag carry- carry the Rogue black bags if you can or a wreckbag/sandbag
10 single arm DB overhead squats (5 each side) 50/35 35/20
12 DB rows in a plank position (6 each side) 50/35 35/20
150 foot sandbag carry

Warm Up
2 sets of:
50 single unders
10 reps each side single arm KB swings- light
8 reps Turkish sit ups- two KB or DB held straight overhead
8 reps barbell bent over rows
8 reps barbell roll outs
6 sumo inchworms
30 seconds barbell overhead hold

nerve flossing x 10 reps
deep squat progressions x 10 reps
wall slides with feet in a butterfly position seated next to the wall x 10 reps

2 sets
1. Skater Squat x 6/leg - the reach behind and torso lean places a great emphasis on the posterior leg muscles.
2. Cuban press with PVC x 10 reps

4 RFT- grind through this wod with good form. Grab that sandbag and move it quickly- but it should be heavy. try for unbroken barbell movements.
10 front squats 115/75 95/65
12 sumo deadlift high pull 115/75 95/65
150 foot bear hug sandbag carry- carry the Rogue black bags if you can or a wreckbag/sandbag
10 single arm DB overhead squats (5 each side) 50/35 35/20
12 DB rows in a plank position (6 each side) 50/35 35/20
150 foot sandbag carry

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