workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press

Warm Up
3 rounds
8 DB halos- 4 each direction
6 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
4 burpees over the DB
2/side DB muscle snatch
30 seconds deep squat hold

The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows-bent over
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press

** this is done like the song The 12 Days of Christmas**

1 manmaker

2 cleans + 1 manmaker

3 thrusters + 2 cleans + 1 manmaker

keep adding days

10 reps of each exercise- green or blue mini-band
1. Clam Shell Side Plank Hip Thrusts- band below the knees
2. Abduction Bias Hip Thrust- band above knees from the bench or box
3. Band Walk Squares- band around ankles- only do 3 walks around the box each direction
4. Banded Donkey Kick Backs- band above the knees

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Lift Up"
20 Turkish Get Ups for time- use 53/35 if you can, scale load as needed but I want a challenge where you will take 6-8:00 to finish the reps

3 sets
30 second DB leg lowering
10 Cossack squats (5/side)
20 plank DB pull thrus (10/side)
30 seconds hollow hold- add a DB for extra challenge
10 wide stance DB Romanian deadlifts
20 tall plank knee to elbow (10/s)
rest 1:00

Warm up
3 rounds
10 curtsy lunges
10 DB muscle snatch each side-light load
20 second side plank hold/side

Home Weightlifting
A. back squat + back squat jump 5 sets of 3 + 1
B. step ups with a 3 second eccentric 2 sets of 10 reps/leg
C. single leg RDL 4 sets of 5/leg with a 3 second eccentric

back squat
5 reps @ 55%, 60%, 65%
1 rep @ 81%, 83%, 85%

Handstand Skills
6:00 EMOM
min 1- handstand hold or kick to handstand on wall x 5 reps
*put feet together before making contact with the wall. Contact the wall softly if possible

min 2- wall facing handstand marching x 20 reps total or marching with feet on the cooler

"Lift Up"
20 Turkish Get Ups for time- use 53/35 if you can

scale load as needed but I want a challenge where you will take 6-8:00 to finish the reps

3 sets
30 second DB leg lowering
10 Cossack squats (5/side)
20 plank DB pull thrus (10/side)
30 seconds hollow hold- add a DB for extra challenge
10 wide stance DB Romanian deadlifts
20 tall plank knee to elbow (10/s)
rest 1:00

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Hells Bells"
4 rounds
20 alternating hang DB snatch
10 gorilla rows- 5 each side

10 DB front squat

rest walk 1:00

Weekly Challenge
10:00 AMRAP2,4,6,8...until time expires
Reverse lunges each leg counts as a rep
Single leg V-ups each leg counts as a rep

Warm up
3 rounds
10 curtsy lunges
10 DB muscle snatch each side-light load
20 second side plank hold/side

Home Weightlifting
A. back squat + back squat jump 5 sets of 3 + 1
B. step ups with a 3 second eccentric 2 sets of 10 reps/leg
C. single leg RDL 4 sets of 5/leg with a 3 second eccentric

Handstand Skills
6:00 EMOM
min 1- handstand hold or kick to handstand on wall x 5 reps
*put feet together before making contact with the wall.  Contact the wall softly if possible
min 2- wall facing handstand marching x 20 reps total or marching with feet on the cooler

"Hells Bells"
4 rounds
20 alternating hang DB snatch
10 DB gorilla rows- 5 each side

10 DB front squat
rest walk 1:00

Gymnastics Core Conditioning

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00

Warm Up
3 rounds
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Right
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Left
8/side drop lunge to knee lift

Strength Set
4 sets
A. 10 reps sumo deadlifts with a tempo 31x1
B. 8 reps/side Bulgarian split squats with a tempo 2110
C. 10 reps/side Cossack squats with a tempo 30X0

3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm Up:2:00 bike or row 20 reps banded face pulls 10 reps ring rows 3-5 reps strict pull ups

5 reps gymnastics complex- inchworm, bottom of push up, scorpion stretch to each side, push up, walk feet to hands


Wrist stretches

Banded lat stretch x :30 each side

Couch stretch x :30 each side

Warm Up for gymnastics movements- ring swings, kip swings, dips, shoulder circles, arm circles

Primer: 9:00 EMOM

min 1: 30 seconds of pull ups/C2B/muscle ups

min 2: 30 seconds of step ups with light weight

min 3: 30 seconds of banded lat pulls

Clean Warm Up

3 sets of 3 reps high hang cleans @ 50%

3 sets of 3 reps hang cleans @60%

WOD 21-15-9

Hang power cleans 115/80 95/65 75/55

Box jump overs 24/20"

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