
Warm Up
3 rounds
8 DB halos- 4 each direction
6 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
4 burpees over the DB
2/side DB muscle snatch
30 seconds deep squat hold

The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows-bent over
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press

** this is done like the song The 12 Days of Christmas**

1 manmaker

2 cleans + 1 manmaker

3 thrusters + 2 cleans + 1 manmaker

keep adding days


10 reps of each exercise- green or blue mini-band
1. Clam Shell Side Plank Hip Thrusts- band below the knees
2. Abduction Bias Hip Thrust- band above knees from the bench or box
3. Band Walk Squares- band around ankles- only do 3 walks around the box each direction
4. Banded Donkey Kick Backs- band above the knees



