workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


16:00 EMOM
min 1: barbell roll outs x 10
min 2: bike cals x 12/9
min 3: S2OH x 10 115/80 95/65
min 4: 5 TTB + 25 DUs or 50 singles

Warm Up
2:00 bike/row
2 sets
lateral banded step overs (plate on floor) x 10/side
paused squat press out x 8 with 10-25#- at the bottom of the squat press plate straight out from chest
jump squats x 5- do not connect reps, reset your feet between each rep

1 set

Bird dog x 10 with a 3 count pause at the top of each rep

Dead bug x 10 with a 3 count pause at the bottom of each rep
Side plank on elbow x 30 seconds per side

Mobility: shoulders and rotator cuff
(just work on the banded part of these- skip the ring work)

1. Isometric ER with yelllow mini-band x 3 sets of 10 sec hold
2. Mini-band press x 10 reps
3. Mini-band ER x 10 reps
4. Pulsing ER with OH reach x 10 reps
5. Overhead ER x 10 reps

16:00 EMOM
min 1: barbell roll outs x 10
min 2: bike cals x 12/9
min 3: S2OH x 10 115/80 95/65
min 4: 5 TTB + 25 DUs or 50 singles

Skill: sumo deadlifts and jumps
6 sets of
1. 3 reps sumo deadlift @ 75% 1 RM conventional deadlift
2. 10 reps seated vertical jumps

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



10:00AMRAP- this is performance care for your body- move well!

100 foot 1- arm OH carry (50 feet each side)
10 - 1 arm waiter squats (5 each side)
10- 1 arm press (5 each side)
10 - 1 arm high pull (5 each side)

*pick a challenging weight for the OH carry but a lighter weight for the rest of the wod

Warm Up
10:00 continuous movement
Push Up Shoulder Tap: x 10
Standing Pass Through with PVC: x 10
Sumo Inchworm: x 10
Yoga Push Up: x 10

Mobility: Hip stretches
1. hip flexor with PVC push
2. supine hip ext. rotation
3. 90/90 hip switches
4. butterfly stretch
5. Cossack stretch

A. rear foot elevated split squat 3 sets of 5 reps each leg
use KB or DB in a farmer carry position


10:00 AMRAP- this wod is for performance care of the body. Move well
100 foot 1- arm OH carry (50 feet each side)
10 - 1 arm waiter squats (5 each side)
10- 1 arm press (5 each side)
10 - 1 arm high pull (5 each side)

*pick a challenging weight for the OH carry but a lighter weight for the rest of the wod

Post WOD ABs
Core strength:

 5 Sets
15sec KB Hollow Hold
15sec Up and Overs
15sec Plank March Taps
rest 30sec

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Barbell cycling for this workout- it's important to stay relaxed on the deadlifts because it's light but easy to lose control of your form.  Break up the hang power cleans in to manageable sets.  The grip will be tested here.  The weight for the barbell should depend upon your skill level of squat cleans.  If you did this weight fresh, you could cycle at least 5 or more reps.
For Time
45 deadlifts                    155/105    135/95      95/65
30 hang power cleans 155/105     135/95     95/65
15 squat cleans            155/105     135/95     95/65
*you need to use the same weight on all*

Warm Up
3 rounds:
8 half kneeling KB lift and chop/side
6 KB single arm deadlifts/side
5 dual DB strict press
5 single arm DB high pulls/side- really light


🔹SPEND 20sec at each & repeat sequence 2x (rest 20sec between sets):
1. “Elbow Pit” rotation w. fingers forward
2. Side to Side rock with fingers facing out
3. Back & Forth rock with fingers facing knees
4. Reverse Palm rock front to back

Sotts press prehab
10 reps with lighter bands on rig

Skill: handstand work

Station One: with a box practice in a pike position walking out and back and then practice handstand walking around the box
Station Two: with bands across the rig on J-hooks, practice handstand holds, balancing, and walking to the bands

Primer: 3 sets at light load
2 deadlifts + 2 hang power cleans + 1 squat clean

Barbell cycling for this workout- it's important to stay relaxed on the deadlifts because it's light but easy to lose control of your form.  Break up the hang power cleans in to manageable sets.  The grip will be tested here.  The weight for the barbell should depend upon your skill level of squat cleans.  If you did this weight fresh, you could cycle at least 5 or more reps.
For Time
45 deadlifts                    155/105    135/95      95/65
30 hang power cleans 155/105     135/95     95/65
15 squat cleans            155/105     135/95     95/65
*you need to use the same weight on all*

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD- when a workout has rest in between rounds, we should be able to push the speed on each section of the workout. Always record times for rounds- makes you try harder.
5 Rounds
12 box step ups while holding a plate to the chest 25/15#
300/250m row
2 rope climbs
Rest 1:00

*record your slowest time on the board

Warm Up
2 rounds

Bike/Row 10/8 cals
10 hip /leg swings over a low racked PVC on rig (or a band across rig works)
10 deadbugs
10 slow to fast air squats
25 feet spiderman walking lunges (greatest stretch alive)
25 feet crab walk


1. Rocking ankle stretch 8-10 reps each side
2. Wide stance rocking 8-10 reps
3. Heel sit T- spine rotations 8-10 reps each side
4. Squat prying 15 second hold with KB then stand up x 3 sets
5. Deep squat wall slides 8-10 reps

Skill: front squat
every 2:00 for 10:00
4 reps @ 75% 1RM

WOD- when a workout has rest in between rounds, we should be able to push the speed on each section of the workout. Always record times for rounds- makes you try harder.
5 Rounds
12 box step ups while holding a plate to the chest 25/15#
300/250m row
2 rope climbs
Rest 1:00

*record your slowest time on the board

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD- this workout should be about consistency in movements
4 Rounds of 3:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest You can pick up where you left off
option A
3 muscle ups -ring or bar
7 pistols each side

option B
3 strict pull ups or 3 burpees over the bar
5 strict press @ 75% 1RM
7 pistols each side or a pistol progression

Warm Up
Cardio choice 3:00
2 rounds:

10 glute bridges with empty bar
10 ring face pulls- in a row position, bring rings up towards the face instead of the chest
3 x KB rack complex
      KB front rack reverse lunge R
      KB front rack step up R
      KB front rack reverse lunge L
      KB front rack step up L

Skill: standing hollow pulldowns
2 sets of 20 reps

          prone PVC raises
keep your glutes squeezed and your abs braced- no arching in the lower back- just raise the arms
2 sets of 10 reps

Banded bmu transitions- racked bar

Pull ups- arch from a box with a slow descent
Arch swing with a slow negative pull up

Pistol progressions to practice
Complete 6-8 reps each side for each exercise

1. Narrow Squat
2. Toenail Spot
3. Single Leg Ankle Spot
4. Narrow Squat to Single Leg Stand
5. Pistols

WOD- this workout should be about consistency in movements
4 Rounds of 3:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest You can pick up where you left off
option A
3 muscle ups -ring or bar
7 pistols each side

option B
3 strict pull ups or 3 burpees over the bar
5 strict press @ 75% 1RM
7 pistols each side or a pistol progression

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


4 Rounds Not Timed- pick a weight that can be used for all three exercises
10 1- arm suitcase deadlifts
10 1- arm KB swings
  5 1-arm KB thrusters

repeat same movements for the other side

Warm Up
Row/bike 400m

2 rounds of:

10 skaters each side- keep upright, don't touch the ground with hand. Push through the glutes and hamstrings
10 two-legged pistols
10 box step downs- touch the toe to the floor and drive up
5 sumo inchworms

Mobility: shoulder flow by Marcus Filly

Foot drills: with bare feet do the following each 2 lengths of the gym
1. walk on toes forward and then backward
2. walk on outside of foot
3. walk on inside of foot
then with shoes on walk on heels for 2 lengths

Skill: Single leg movement
Pistol progressions to practice
Complete 6-8 reps each side for each exercise

1. Narrow Squat
2. Toenail Spot
3. Single Leg Ankle Spot
4. Narrow Squat to Single Leg Stand
5. Pistols

Skill: single arm strict press
8-6-4-2 reps each side
Single arm KB or DB strict press- add load as you decrease reps

4 Rounds Not Timed- pick a weight that can be used for all three exercises
10 1- arm suitcase deadlifts
10 1- arm KB swings
  5 1-arm KB thrusters

repeat same movements for the other side

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