workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD- heavy wod which should be slowed down to grind it out.
50' sled rope pull - add 3 plates to little sleds (the rope is 10 feet long)
6 KB goblet squats
25 KB swings- Russian
150' (5 sections of concrete out and back) single arm KB farmer carry- 75 feet each arm
*KB weight RX 70/53, scaled 53,35

Warm Up
Dynamic Warm Up:
1. Knee to chest
2. Groiners
3. Walking quads
4. Single leg deadlift
5. Greatest stretch alive (spiderman + reach)
6. Hamstrings
7. Number 4- glute and hips
8. Inchworm no push up
9. Curtsy lunge


Hip flexor kicks 5 sets of 3-5 reps/side

Healthy shoulder:
1. KB windmill x 8/side
2. Single arm T-spine opener on roller x 8/side

Primer: 3 rounds:
Cossack squats x 4/side
Behind the neck strict press- empty bar x 4

Skill: snatch
4 sets of:

Snatch balance + OHS
Build to a heavier complex but make sure that you remain fast with the snatch balance. Focus on punching under the bar as quickly as possible and receiving the bar as low as possible.


8:00 EMOM
2 x hang snatch @ 70-75%

WOD- heavy wod which should be slowed down to grind it out.
50' sled rope pull - add 3 plates to little sleds (the rope is 10 feet long)
6 KB goblet squats
25 KB swings- Russian
150' (5 sections of concrete out and back) single arm KB farmer carry- 75 feet each arm
*KB weight RX 70/53, scaled 53,35

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

04.30.19 'Criss Cross'

WOD  'Criss Cross'
30 DUs or 60 singles
15 power cleans  155/80   95/65
30 DUs or 60 singles
15 TTB or hanging knee raises

Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:

5/side lateral box step ups
8/side DB high pull - light weight
5/side spiderman lunges
8 sumo inchworms + push up
5 kip swings

Jumping Warm-Up

10 x parallette shoulder extensions
10 x reverse lat pulls with an orange band- stand on the band with both feet close together. Start from arms extended at the side to pulling the band to overhead extension. Control the band for the entire movement.


1. quadruped rocker on toes- knees hover x 10 reps
2. squat to a walk out plank (like an inchworm without the push up) x 8 reps
3. deep squat progression without the single arm movements x 10 reps
4. half kneeling position to a pigeon pose stretch x 8 reps/side
5. goblet squat with a 3 second pause x 10 reps
6. back squat with KB on the back with a 2 second pause x 10 reps

Skill: stamina squats week 4
12:00 EMOM
min 1: 3 front squats @ 66%

min 2: 6 back squats at front squat weight

WOD  'Criss Cross'
30 DUs or 60 singles
15 power cleans  155/80   95/65
30 DUs or 60 singles
15 TTB or hanging knee raises

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


For Time
400m run
15 thrusters 95/65 75/55 65/45
400m run
12 thrusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
400m run
9 thrusters 155/105 135/95 95/65
400m run
6 thrusters 175/115 155/105 105/75

Warm Up
300m run/row/bike
2 rounds:

Prone Y,T, W's x 10 reps each
slow to fast goblet squats x 10
TGU x 2 each side

5 each side Bear rolls
10 x foam roll up the wall
10 x shoulder taps with a 1-2 second pause

Skill: 10:00 EMOM
min 1: gymnastics skill of choice
min 2: static hold of choice- wall sits, L-sit, sumo squat, hollow hold, shoulder extensions, holds on rings or bar

For Time
400m run
15 thrusters 95/65 75/55 65/45
400m run
12 thrusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
400m run
9 thrusters 155/105 135/95 95/65
400m run
6 thrusters 175/115 155/105 105/75

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

04.28.19 Swim WOD

Beach Muscles


100 yd. swim

4 pool muscle ups

8 dips on blocks

12 push ups

16 air squats

Beach Muscles


100 yd. swim

4 pool muscle ups

8 dips on blocks

12 push ups

16 air squats

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

04.27.19 'Sledge'




2 rounds

1000m row

75 DUs

25 deadlifts 225/155

5 rope climbs


2 rounds

800m row

60 DUs

25 deadlifts  205/145

3 rope climbs


2 rounds

600m row

100 single unders

25 deadlifts  185/125

2 rope climbs or 4 up/downs




2 rounds

1000m row

75 DUs

25 deadlifts 225/155

5 rope climbs


2 rounds

800m row

60 DUs

25 deadlifts  205/145

3 rope climbs


2 rounds

600m row

100 single unders

25 deadlifts  185/125

2 rope climbs or 4 up/downs

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



Front Squat

Back Squat

don't unload the bar
build load throughout all squats
rest 2:00 between sets
record top load for each of the three squats

Warm Up

Three sets of:
250 Meter Row @ easy pace
Banded Good Mornings x 10 reps
Push-Ups x 8 reps
Medball Hamstring Curls x 6 reps

Skill: Hollow/arch practice
1. boxes under rig with hollow practice
2. light band on rig for hollow practice
3. light band used for strict pull up positional practice
Kipping practice
1 arch to hollow lat pull down
1 arch to hollow pulldown into pull-up

Mobility for squats
1. quadruped rocker on toes- knees hover x 10 reps
2. squat to a walk out plank (like an inchworm without the push up) x 8 reps
3. deep squat progression without the single arm movements x 10 reps
4. half kneeling position to a pigeon pose stretch x 8 reps/side
5. goblet squat with a 3 second pause x 10 reps
6. back squat with KB on the back with a 2 second pause x 10 reps

Front Squat

Back Squat

don't unload the bar
build load throughout all squats
rest 2:00 between sets
record top load for each of the three squats

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

04.25.19 'Iron Mile'

'Iron Mile'
For Time
30 power snatch 95/65
800m run
60 thrusters 95/65
800m run
30 power snatch 95/65

scale the run to 400 or 600m
scale reps or load

Warm Up

2 rounds
4 x 50 feet shuttle run- increase effort per round
10 barbell rows
10 ring face pulls
5/side single arm high pulls- light dumbbell from the high position, not floor

10 reps banded sotts press
8/side thoracic rotations- sit back on heels and do these
Rotator cuff mini-band complex (yellow band)
1. 3 x 10 sec holds
2. 10 presses
3. 10 external rotations (ER)
4. 5 pulsing
5. 10 ER overhead

Barbell warm up

with an empty bar complete 5 reps of the following:
1. snatch grip behind the head press
2. snatch grip behind the head press in a quarter squat
3. jumping squats with barbell on your back- continuous
4. Cossack squats with barbell on your back- but you can take it off it needed
5. muscle snatch from the hang

'Iron Mile'
For Time
30 power snatch 95/65
800m run
60 thrusters 95/65
800m run
30 power snatch 95/65

scale the run to 400 or 600m
scale reps or load

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